Is this for another zine you're making? I love the illustrations! They're really cute. ^.^
thank you♥♡i'm very very glad!this illustrations is not a thing for a zine .but the zine is also made.zine is making in order to sell in the place called [creators market].
いつもの衣食住などの生活とは全く別のストーリーが自分の中で続いてて( 途切れることもある)コスメショップで見たブルーのラメ入グロスや春一番の風の香りを混ぜた色はどんなだろうとか、スマートフォンの中に見る日暮れ前の東京タワーのこととか。 感情表現豊かな親せきの人を見ていると完成よ...
Is this for another zine you're making? I love the illustrations! They're really cute. ^.^
返信削除thank you♥♡i'm very very glad!this illustrations is not a thing for a zine .
返信削除but the zine is also made.zine is making in order to sell in the place called [creators market].